
a string to connect pieces of my life

Saturday, June 17, 2006

you like me

This afternoon my friend Xin and I were playing tennis at my apartment complex. During a break, I got hit on by some handsome stranger.

Well, to be accurate, this little boy was riding a bike around our court. Then he came close and started talking to me. I was really flattered because first of all he was really cute, and... he is a boy. :)

So here is our conversation:

Boy: "what language do you speak?"
Me: "Chinese. How about you?"
Boy: "I speak half Spanish. "
Me: "Cool!"
Boy: "I have a friend who speaks Chinese too. She lives next door to me."
Me (a little jealous): "So she is a girl."
Then my friend Xin joined the conversation.
Xin: "Do you like her?"
Boy: "Yeah."
Xin: "Does she like you?"
Boy: "Yeah."
Xin: "That's good!"
Boy (proudly): "She likes me a lot!"

Xin and I couldn't help laughing. How do you know that girl likes you, not just a little but a lot? BTW, I think you must like me too.

Oh, that will break somesone's heart.


At 12:10 PM, Blogger Elbow said...

I think this is a pretty funny entry...

At 12:55 PM, Blogger beneathwing said...

I hoped so.


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