
a string to connect pieces of my life

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!

I wish you all have a blessed year ahead.

I am thankful for

1/24, Saturday
--- a sunny day
--- results coming out normal from my eye exam
--- the delicious Indian lunch buffet
--- hanging out with Jinli for the rest of day. We made dumplings and pork rib soup, and watched 3 movies.

1/25, Sunday
--- relaxing at home the entire day
--- the long conversation with my husband
--- watching a movie and some shows on my laptop
--- having packed a few boxes
--- the fact that most of my boxes have been kept packed from my last move
--- being able to call my family without dialing too many times (most of you probably have no idea of how hard it could be to reach a number in China during the Chinese New Year holidays)


At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how trying it is to call elsewhere during holidays!!!


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