
a string to connect pieces of my life

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

I am grateful that

1/6, Tuesday
--- I got home safely last night although the highway was as slippery as the ice rink and there were multiple accidents within our 10-mile drive
--- my friend Xin offered to bring something to my parents for me (please pray for her dad's health condition)
--- I had a good chat with Ying on gchat in the afternoon (she has been extremely busy)
--- Rachel made me a scarf which is very warm and pretty

1/7, Wednesday
--- the hot water came back so that I could finish my shower
--- our apartment has hot water everyday (it is sort of a luxury in China just in case you didn't know)
--- my presentation went well (or I think)
--- I saw my eye candy at the meeting :)
--- I got home before the snow got too bad
--- I was able to communicate my concerns directly without offending the other person or being passive aggressive
--- "the big bang theory" cracked me up


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