
a string to connect pieces of my life

Thursday, May 17, 2007

intellectual fuel guage

I filled my gas tank to almost full last Friday and all I have been going to this week were only nearby grocery stores and the campus. However, my fuel level has been dropping quickly. This evening after I went to Kroger, the gauge showed only 20 ~ 30 percent of a full tank.

I complaint to Jinli about it and suspected that there was some leak in my gas tank. It won't surprise me because the water tunnel is leaking too. Then just now I drove back to my apartment and the gauge showed 60%. Wow, it's as if it knows what I want!

My only concern is that if it's going to fake data, how would I know when the tank is empty. I don't wanna be forced to stop at somewhere near nowhere.

Sidenote: Natasha, Jinli and I are going to have lunch at Bahama Breeze this Saturday. It has been over 6 months since I had their food. I miss the shrimp and lobster pasta! and the seafood paella!


At 7:54 PM, Blogger Elbow said...

Sounds like you should just ask that the tank stay empty. Why assume the gauge has ever provided erroneous data?

Sidenote: I too miss the shrimp and lobster pasta...I hope it was delicious.


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