
a string to connect pieces of my life

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

interesting encounter

Ying and I played tennis for about an hour this evening. Then I went back to my apt. Right after I opened the building door, I saw a woman lying there.

She seemed quite scared by me. She asked me "who are you? why are you here?" I soon realized that she thought she was in her own apt. So I told her that she was lying outside her apt. She was shocked by the truth.

I asked her if she wanted to go back to her apt and if she needed any help. She said yes, yes. So I picked up her stuff and walked her to her door. She asked me to come in. Since she seemed really sick, I did.

She kept saying "how did this happen" and seemed quite emotional. So I got her some water to drink. On her kitchen counter there were dozens of huge empty wine bottles. And I smelled alcohol from her breath. I asked her if she had been drinking. She didn't deny it.

Then she started crying. And kept asking me what my name is. I asked her to call for help. So she called her only friend. It made me sad that it seemed that person didn't really want to come. So I stayed to make sure he would be here, or I might need to call the hospital.

She kept sobbing. I asked why she was sad. She asked me why I cared. I said "because we are here". So she told me that her mom killed herself not long ago, and she had some major medical condition and showed me the surgery mark on her belly (which made me a little uncomfortable), and she was addicted to alcohol (I kind of figured that out).

I understand that she is in pain, but I don't know exactly how I can help. So I told her that she needs professional help with her alcohol problem. That God cares about her. That I used to drink everyday but he changed me. That we are all sinner so what happened happens. That my friends and I would pray for her. That things will be alright. It is hard to say how much she had listened. I hope God is working his way on her.

After she calmed down a little, I helped her find a comfortable position to rest and then I returned to my apt. Later her friend came. So hopefully she is taken good care of.

It is just sad to see that how much pains she is in and how helpless she seemed. She told me that it meant a lot that I cared. And yet I did so little. She asked me where my strengh came from. I answered God. On one hand I appreciate it that God gave me the chance to glorify him. On the other hand, I keep thinking oh please don't get me into trouble by helping strangers. It shouldn't be like this, but this is definitely something outside my comfort zone.

Let's see what will happen next.


At 1:39 PM, Blogger Elbow said...

God likes to take us outside of our comfort zone...good job helping her.

At 12:30 AM, Blogger tahmmee said...

I agree, a lot of times God likes to use us to do things that we may be a bit apprehensive and uncomfortable about doing mainly because it's in these moments that he gets the most glory. It may also be that God has gifted you with kindness/mercy and that He wants to you use you in this arena :)

Just had an encouraging thought....
Jesus says,
'Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.
Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

Matt 25:31-40


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