
a string to connect pieces of my life

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

lifegroup, books and the earthquake

Last night was my first lifegroup since, let me think, the summer began. Anyway, it felt like forever. For people with short-term memory like myself, this can not be good. When I am away from my lifegroup for too long, I feel detached, or even become frustrated with them. However, once I sit with them and hear them talk, I fall in love with all those girls again. I feel, again, that I have the most awesome lifegroup. So I need to write this down just to remind myself of how unreliable my feelings are.

The book of June for my bookclub is "the power and the glory" by Graham Greene, which is Brian P.'s favorite book. I started it last week in order that I might have the courage to attend this month's bookclub discussion. Then I ended up with reading Philip Yancey's "finding God in unexpected places", which speaks more directly to my heart for the time being. Yancey's books have a comforting effect on me because my heart resonates with his questions and doublts while his discussions give me insights into how to cope with my frustrations about my faith.

I have been avoiding reading news about the earthquake. My mood was dragged down, which didn't help either them or myself. I want to give more, but first I need to hold myself together. Last night when Ciara prayed for people whose lives have been affected, I still couldn't hold back my tears. If you are reading this, please keep them in your prayers. May those who have lost their beloved be granted the strength and be able to find comfort in God's love.


At 11:36 AM, Blogger Elbow said...

So do you think I would like "finding God in unexpected places"?

At 1:14 PM, Blogger beneathwing said...

Well, it is hard to say one way or another. The fact is that the chapters are very scattered. There is no strong logic between them. Yancy also mentioned that it is more like a collection of his notes over the years.

It all depends on where you are and what you expect. I enjoy reading it very much. You can give it a try. It is an easy read.


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